Govt Jobs In Jhelum Today For Cartographer

Headquarter 477 Army Survey Group Engineers Jhelum has announced job vacancies for various posts. The available positions include Cartographer, Mess Waiter, Map Sorter, and Coolie. These vacancies are available in locations such as Jhelum, Attock, Rawalpindi, and Islamabad.

Available Vacancies

  • Cartographer
  • Mess Waiter
  • Map Sorter
  • Coolie

Last Date to Apply

The last date to apply is December 20 2024.

Required Education

  • Primary education
  • Intermediate education

How to Apply

To apply for these positions visit the official Headquarter 477 Army Survey Group Engineers website. You can also find detailed instructions in the newspaper ad to help with your application process.

Govt Jobs In Jhelum Today For Cartographer


1. What is the last date to apply for the Headquarter 477 Army Survey Group Engineers jobs?
The last date to apply is December 20 2024.

2. Can people with primary education apply for these jobs at Headquarter 477 Army Survey Group Engineers?
Yes primary education holders can apply for the available jobs.

3. Where are the job vacancies located for Headquarter 477 Army Survey Group Engineers?
The job vacancies are in Jhelum Attock Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

4. How can I apply for Headquarter 477 Army Survey Group Engineers jobs?
You can apply through their official website or follow the instructions in the newspaper ad.

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