University of Sindh Merit list 2025 Check Online

Checking the University of Sindh Merit List 2025 can be done online by following the link Sindh is one of the five provinces of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This province is world-famous because of its historical sites. The history of Mohenjo-Daro is linked with the first known human settlement in the world. There are many other archeological sites present in this province. The Indus River (Darya-e-sindh) has its history. This river is famous for its roots and for its minerals in its water. The River Indus is the longest river in Pakistan. In Mohenjo-Daro one of the world’s oldest educational institutes is also excavated by the archeologists. The University of Sindh is the same kind of educational institute that helps the students of Sindh province to improve their educational thinking for a better future. The province of Sindh is also known as the gateway of Islam to the Sub-Continent because of the arrival of Muhammad Bin Qasim (The first Muslim ruler in the Sub-continent). The River Indus is also famous because it was used as a historical route for cargo and passenger ships for transportation. This is the reason that Sindh was known as the center of trade in the past. The University of Sindh is also known as the oldest university in Pakistan due to its matchless history. The main campus of the University of Sindh is situated in Jamshoro a famous city of Sindh Province.

University of Sindh Merit List 2025 Check Online

After the deadline for admissions at the University of Sindh, the university begins the process of calculating the merit scores for the new students for that academic year. Once the merit scores are calculated, the first merit list is posted on the notice boards at the main campus and also on the university’s official website. A few weeks after the release of the first merit list, the university management publishes the second merit list. If there are still vacant seats in different departments, the university management uploads the third merit list. This process ensures that all admission seats are filled and the admission process is completed successfully. The merit list date is 21 August 2025 and 22 August 2025.

University of Sindh Sub campuses

Like many other well-reputed universities of the world the University of Sindh also has expanded its network of providing quality education by establishing many new sub-campuses in different areas of the province to promote quality education for the people of Sindh. These campuses are established after keeping in view the strength of students and the needy areas concerning educational institutes. The list of sub-campuses of the University of Sindh is as follows

  • Jamshoro campus of the University of Sindh
  • Thatta campus University of Sindh
  • Larkana campus
  • Maipurkhas campus
  • Laar campus At Badin
  • Dadu campus of the University of Sindh

All these sub-campus including the main campus of the University of Sindh are fully furnished and fully equipped with all kinds of facilities. There are thousands of students from related areas studying in these sub-campuses of the University of Sindh and quenching their thirst for knowledge.

University of Sindh Merit List 2025 Check Online

University of Sindh Merit list
University of Sindh Merit List 2025 Check Online

University Hospital

To maintain the health of the students of the University of Sindh, a mini hospital is established on the premises of the University of Sindh. This hospital provides health facilities to the students of the University of Sindh as well as its workers. This mini hospital is then upgraded to a teaching hospital. The purpose of this teaching hospital is to provide a suitable environment for medical students.  This hospital remains open for civilians as well. They can get their health checked by highly qualified doctors appointed by the government of Sindh. In case of any emergency, the facility of Operation Theater and an ambulance is also available in the hospital of the University of Sindh.

The university’s key features

The University of Sindh is unique in its structure. Many colleges from different areas of Sindh are affiliated with the University of Sindh. These colleges offer different courses at graduate and postgraduate levels to the nearby students.  At the end of the course, the certificate is awarded to these students by the University of Sindh as an acknowledgment. An alumni association is also working at the University of Sindh. This association consists of elected old students.

Institute of Sindhology

Sindhi is the mother tongue of the natives in the province of Sindh. Many notable poets, writers, scholars, singers, and other artists have earned a good repo by exhibiting their artistic performances in the Sindhi language. To promote this language and its very rich culture the Department of Sindhology was established by the government of Sindh. This department offers courses in Sindhi language from post-graduation to the doctoral level. This department also researches the Sindhi language. This research opens many gateways to success and progress for the students enrolled in this department.

About The University of Sindh

The University of Sindh, commonly referred to as Sindh University, is a government-funded research institution situated in Pakistan, specifically in the city of Jamshoro. It stands as one of the country’s oldest universities and received ISO certification in 2015.

Established in 1947 in Karachi, the university underwent a relocation to Hyderabad in 1951, marking the commencement of its role as a comprehensive teaching university. The university is affiliated with four law colleges and several other educational institutions. Sindh University is recognized for its significant contributions to research in the fields of literature, natural sciences, philosophy, and Sindhology.

Central Library

A state-of-the-art central library consisting of thousands of books is also working to its full potential at the University of Sindh. The purpose of this library is to provide a peaceful atmosphere for learning to the students. Students can borrow books on different topics from different writers according to the rules and regulations of the central library of the University of Sindh.

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University of Sindh Admission process

The way of getting admission to the University of Sindh is very simple and easy. The students are required to buy a University of Sindh prospectus from the admission office of any of the campuses of the University of Sindh. The admission form is attached to this prospectus. Students are supposed to fill out the form by adding required personal and educational information in the form. After completion, the form is to be sent to the admission office of the University of Sindh.

University of Sindh Contact Details

University Name
University of Sindh
Contact Number022-9213232
AddressAllama I.I. Kazi Campus, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
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